FORTUNE RD. TO LAKESHORE BLVD. MULTI-USE PATH FDOT LAP Project The $9M project consists of the construction of a 10-foot wide multi-use trail that will run along Fortune Road/East Lakeshore Boulevard from the intersection of U.S. Highway 192 to the existing City of...
CITY OF MARGATE COMPLETE STREETS RECONSTRUCTION FOR NW 8TH ST BETWEEN NW 67TH AVE-NW 69TH AVE Complete Streets Project Under our Continuing Professional Services Contract with the City of Margate, CPC was selected to perform complete civil engineering design services,...
FORT LAUDERDALE AQUATIC CENTER RENOVATIONS Aquatic Center CPC teamed with the City’s Lead Design-Builder, Hensel Phelps Construction Co., to provide professional Surveying/Geomatics Services for the City of Fort Lauderdale $27M Aquatic Center Renovations. The project...
CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH, CRA, N. OCEAN DRIVE / S.R. A1A STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Civil/General Engineering CPC coordinated with the following franchise and municipal utility providers for the location and design of their proposed utility undergrounding of their aerial...
Winfield Park ADA Improvements Civil Engineering & Surveying CPC provided Survey, Civil Engineering Design & Construction Administration Services for the City of Margate Parks, Winfield Park, and Lemon Tree Lake Park in support of the City’s campaign to...