City of Delray Beach Currie Commons Park Improvements

City of Delray Beach Currie Commons Park Improvements

Currie Commons Park Construction Government Services CPC is a professional service provider for the City of Delray Beach under a continuing services contract. The City Delray Beach would like to demolish & remove the existing Facilities Restroom & Storage...
City of Coral Springs NW 39th St. CSLIP

City of Coral Springs NW 39th St. CSLIP

City of Coral Springs 39th St. CSLIP Complete Streets Local Initiative Program (CSLIP) CPC met with FDOT and City staff to identify the Project details and required compliance with Broward County MPO and FDOT CSLIP projects criteria. CPC reviewed the project limits to...
City of Coral Springs, Shadow Wood Blvd., Sidewalk Assessment Study

City of Coral Springs, Shadow Wood Blvd., Sidewalk Assessment Study

City of Coral Springs, Shadow Wood Blvd Sidewalk Assessment Study This sidewalk study included an arborist report and landscaping impact evaluation to existing sidewalks along Shadow Wood Boulevard in Coral Springs. The study identified the damage caused by trees...