Oklahoma State’s Boone Pickens Stadium Geomatics CPC’s expertise shines in the face of challenging stadium renovations, exemplified by our work on Oklahoma State’s Boone Pickens Stadium. We seamlessly merged modern upgrades with the iconic design,...
City of Delray Beach, N. Swinton Avenue Sidewalk and Utility Improvements Construction Services This project intends to address the existing roadway and underground utility infrastructure deficiencies. In addition, there are non-continuous sidewalks that prohibit...
FDOT District 4 CR 510 Project in Indian River County Construction Services Our team is led by John Hart, PE, Senior Project Engineer, and Ana Pombal, PE, as Project Administrator. It includes Jeff Baker, Assistant Project Manager and Senior Inspector, Srinivas...
FDOT District 5 Project in Brevard County Construction Services CPC continues to expand its Construction Engineering and Inspection Services throughout the State. This new project office, located at 1229 Garden Street in Titusville, will be home to our CEI project...
SR714 From Martin Downs Blvd to Citrus Blvd Full Reconstruction This $21M project, SR714, involved the full reconstruction of West Martin Highway between Citrus Boulevard/ SW 48th Avenue and SW Martin Downs Boulevard from a 2-lane undivided rural roadway to a 4-lane...