Wiles Road from N. University Drive to Riverside Drive
Constructability/Plans Review
Wiles Road from University Drive to Riverside Drive will undergo a beautification project as part of the ongoing improvements to this corridor in Coral Springs. This important corridor improvement project takes into consideration not just the needs of vehicular traffic but also safety for pedestrians and bicyclists and all users regardless of age and ability. The complete streets guidelines were endorsed by the Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to ensure the project was designed to balance all modes of transport.
CPC reviewed the construction plans for the widening of Wiles Road from University Drive to Riverside Drive, in Coral Springs FL for the Broward County Highway Engineering Department. The improvements included widening from four to six lanes, new concrete sidewalks, new street lighting, 4’ bike lanes, drainage, signalization, and landscaping & irrigation. Estimated completion date 2022.
CLIENT: Broward County
SERVICES PROVIDED: Transportation Engineering, Constructability/Plans Review