Town of Golden Beach
Verona Avenue Bridge Replacement
The $5 million Verona Bridge replacement project was an extremely important project for the residents of the affluent Town of Golden Beach. This small, two-lane bridge is the only link between the mainland and a small island, which is home to more than 50 residents. The scope of the project involved the complete removal of an existing two-lane, 28-foot wide structure and reconstruction of a new 50-foot wide bridge, which spans just over 100 feet. Some unique features of the project included a state-of-the- art CSV soil column system to prevent roadway settlement, a cost saving Value-Engineering Cost Proposal involving the end bent bulkheads, and two JPA contracts to replace the water main and sanitary line serving the island. Tackling a project of this scope from such a confined residential work zone (literally from the homeowners’ backyards), involved cooperation between all parties involved. Town hall meetings were conducted at the outset of the project, which allowed local residents and Town officials to participate as partners to the project and presented outstanding job balancing residents’ concerns while overcoming construction problems to keep the project on schedule for early completion. The end result was extremely worthwhile as the feedback from the locals was very positive. The FDOT Final Estimates Audit found no Errors and/or Omissions.
This project was completed early and under budget.
Verona Avenue Bridge Replacement
Town of Golden Beach
Full CEI Oversight