NE 3RD Ave Lane Elimination
CPC did an evaluation of the proposed lane elimination study in 2021, and provided a recommendation to the City and Broward MPO, supporting the complete streets initiative (CSI) for design and construction funding. The study evaluated the future traffic operations and capacity after eliminating one through lane in each direction of travel from 4-lane undivided (existing) to 2-lane undivided roadway (proposed) with a center 12’ wide two-way left turn lane (TWLTL) (see Figure 2), for the purpose of improving the existing sub-standard multi-modal facilities and improving safety to the pedestrians and bicyclists. CPC’s study confirmed that repurposing the lane to include these multi-modal will not degrade the traffic level of service of the 1 mile corridor or put undue demands on adjacent corridors due to traffic diversions. CPC recommended the final roadway geometry within the existing 75’ right of way, to include two-11’ travel lanes, a 12’ TWLTL, continuous 7’ wide buffered bike lanes, 6’ sidewalk on west side and 8’ multi-use path on the east side.
NE 3rd Avenue Lane Elimination Feasibility Study
Serving as an extension of the City staff in reviewing Traffic Studies done by other Consultants.
PROJECT NAME: NE 3rd Ave Lane Elimination Traffic Study
CLIENT: City of Deerfield Beach
SERVICES PROVIDED: Traffic/Transportation Engineering