Our team led by Dan Tintner, PE, and Mohan Gopalakrishna, PE, PTOE was selected by Broward County Highway & Engineering Division, to provide professional services on their first surtax project for three of their communities. The project, located slightly west of I-95 on Sunrise Blvd includes Lighting and Sidewalk Improvements to Boulevard Gardens Roosevelt Gardens, and Washington Park, located in unincorporated Broward County are within Broward County Municipal Services Districts (BMSD) and Broward County Commission District 9. The communities are nestled between the two cities of Fort Lauderdale and Lauderhill. Bounded on the North end by NW 15th Court, West end by Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue (NW 31st Avenue), South end by Broward Boulevard, and the East end by NW 24th Avenue. The three communities total over 620 acres. The scope of work includes sidewalk additions with ADA improvements to existing lighting system, milling and resurfacing, signing and marking and landscaping. CPC is working closely with the County and its residents of the area to address the needs and requests that will be addressed in Phase 2 of this important project.