Winfield Park Improvements
Park Improvements and Wayfinding Signage
As part of a continuing engineering services contract with the City of Margate, CPC was tasked with preparing the surveys and civil engineering design for the installation of Floating Docks and ADA sidewalk improvements with pedestrian-friendly park access at the city’s Winfield Park. The design included a dock support piling system and ADA compliance sidewalk access. CPC coordinated with a structural engineer and general contractor to confirm the design and weight support for the docks. CPC was also tasked with improving the wayfinding signage for boat access to canals that run throughout the city and connect to multiple city parks. This led to the design of the Margate Blueway Trail Signage Map, which includes 12 physical signs posted at key points in city canals.
PROJECT NAME: Winfield Park Improvements
CLIENT: City of Margate
SERVICES PROVIDED: Survey and Civil Engineering