SR 997/Krome Avenue South
Construction Engineering & Inspection
CPC was selected to provide the CEI services on this nearly seven-mile segment, from Kendall Drive to north of SW 8th Street. Along with adding a travel lane in each direction, the improvements will divide the road with a median and guardrail, improve stormwater drainage, and add new street lighting and signage.
The proposed typical section will provide two 12’ foot lanes in each direction separated by a 40-foot grass median. Eight-foot inside shoulders (two-feet paved) and 12-foot outside shoulders (five-foot paved for bike lanes) are provided for both bounds. Also, a 10-foot, shared-use, paved path will be built on the east side of the road. Included in the scope of work is the widening of Bridge No: 870974 located just north of SW 8th Street on Krome Avenue. It includes existing bridge deck demolition, pile driving activities, concrete bent and deck widening, barrier wall and pedestrian railing, asphalt overlay, polymer plugs at intermediate bent joints, articulated block mats, removal of existing bulkhead wall and installation of new sheet pile bulkhead wall.
This is just one of several projects aimed to address operational and safety needs along the entire 36-mile, predominately rural, Krome Avenue corridor.
SR 997 Krome Avenue from South of Kendall Drive to North of SW 8th Street
Florida Department of Transportation District 6