FDOT LAP Project
The $9M project consists of the construction of a 10-foot wide multi-use trail that will run along Fortune Road/East Lakeshore Boulevard from the intersection of U.S. Highway 192 to the existing City of St. Cloud Lakefront Regionally Significant Trail, just west of the intersection at East Lakeshore Boulevard and Columbia Avenue. The total project length is approximately 7 miles. The project will include new trail construction, removal of existing sidewalk, a pedestrian bridge over the St. Cloud Canal and drainage improvements to include construction of ditches and storm drains, intersection improvements at signalized intersections (U.S. 192, Shake Rag Road, Bill Beck Boulevard, Lakeside Drive, and Partin Settlement Road), and improvements to pedestrian crossings at non-signalized intersections to ensure safety of multiple users and connectivity to a larger pedestrian network. The work is a Federal-aid funded project through the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP). Existing crosswalks will be restriped at 11 locations where the trail crosses a side street. Five new crosswalks will be added along Fortune Road and Lakeshore Boulevard. The new pedestrian bridge over the C-31 Canal will be 145 feet long and 10 feet wide, with 40-45 foot-long ramps on either end and guardrails along both the bridge and the ramps.
PROJECT NAME: Osceola County: Fortune Rd. to Lakeshore Blvd. Multi-Use Path FDOT LAP Project
CLIENT: Osceola County
SERVICES PROVIDED: Construction Engineering & Inspection and Surveying