Gables Aventura
Multi-Family Residential
Re-branded as Midtown Aventura following a June 2018 sale, this 16.3-acre, mixed-use development includes 400 apartments in a garden-style setting, a recreational building with community swimming pool, retail-commercial building, a lake system and other amenities.
CPC’s design services in 2015/16 included the widening and improvements to approximately 1 mile of West Dixie Highway, NE 202 Street and NE 26 Avenue, as well as a new Traffic Signal and Intersection Modification of Ives Dairy Road and West Dixie Highway.
An area-wide Traffic Impact Study was conducted and construction of off-site sidewalks and off-site parking facilities was included. Other CPC work elements for the project were traffic modeling, engineering data collection, surveying, platting, roadway design, utility design, drainage and stormwater modeling, pump station design, maintenance of traffic plans, permitting, coordination of site retaining walls and bridge structures design, water and sewer design, signing and marking plans, and drainage well design.
Gables Aventura
Gables Residential
Planning Permitting
Civil Engineering
Design Survey Services