City of Margate Community Redevelopment Agency
CPC was contracted by the Margate CRA to assess two shopping centers within the City limits. The CRA’s intent is to purchase these properties for future re-development. CPC conducted full property inspections and created reports with recommendations to the CRA. We assessed public transportation, accessibility issues and overall compliance with the goals and objectives of the Margate CRA.
The Margate shopping center project consisted of two retail center sites that house existing developed shopping plazas. The projects are both located in the City of Margate CRA on Margate Boulevard and SW 58th Avenue. The proposed center has been assessed for current code conformity to the City of Margate, FDOT Index No. 304 and the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. The current zoning is B-2 Business District and provides a full range of office, retail and service uses and allows for a commercial center to operate. The site currently houses retail tenants. The report was developed in order for the center to be in conformance to current City Codes.
The project will be re-developed in compliance with the City of Margate codes. The City’s zoning category for the site is B-2 business district intended to provide a full range of office, retail and service uses and allows for a commercial center to operate.
City of Margate Community Redevelopment Agency
City of Margate CRA
Civil Engineering