Canaveral Port Authority – Cruise Terminal 6
Cruise Terminal 6 is the port’s newest cruise facility. Designed specifically for the modern generation of cruise ships. The first task was to establish vertical and horizontal control for the use of all “Prime Contractors and Subcontractors.” A set of control was established for the marine contractor and coordinated with the marine engineer to provide three dimensional coordinates matching those used to produce construction plans. A second set of control was provided for the upland contractor and coordinated with the site plan engineer.
The second task was to provide an existing conditions and underground utilities survey. Our firm contracted InfraMap-underground utility locator to perform a complete sweep of the site with ground penetrating radar. Once the underground utilities lying within the danger zone of the construction site were located, vacuum excavating was performed and surveyed at various locations along an existing sanitary sewer line and fueling line for the neighboring Cruise Terminal. The proposed building was marked on the ground to determine the danger to the fuel line. Because of the proximity to the building, a series of monitoring holes were established and monitored throughout construction to ensure that no dangerous movement of the fuel line occurred during construction. This monitoring of the fuel line is still underway.
The next task was to act as the Prime Site Contractor’s “Quality Control Surveyor.” This required the checking of the vertical and horizontal positions of the various elements of construction that were staked by other surveyors contracted by the subcontractors. All elements where checked to ensure compliance with set tolerances. This site is still under construction and it is expected that the quality control effort of this firm will continue until the end of construction. It is anticipated that this firm will participate in the final as-built survey of both the marine and upland portions of the site.
Cruise Terminal 6
Cape Canaveral, FL
Skanska USA