Congratulations to our Treasure Coast CEI project team on this FDOT project award. Our team is led by John Hart, PE, Senior Project Engineer, and Ana Pombal, PE, as Project Administrator. It includes Jeff Baker, Assistant Project Manager and Senior Inspector, Srinivas Addiga, Senior Bridge/Roadway Inspector, and Steve Hernandez, Senior Inspector.

CR 510 is a critical east-west transportation corridor in Indian River County. It is an evacuation route that runs from the Atlantic Ocean to CR 512. The CR 510/CR 512 intersection is just east of the northernmost Interstate 95 (Exit 156) Interchange in Indian River County. This project is for the widening of CR 510 from two to four lanes to address the roadway’s future capacity and operational and safety needs. This $22M project is the first phase of four segments.

Project improvements for CR 510 from CR 512 to 87th Street (405606-7-52-01) include widening the corridor by adding two additional travel lanes and 7-ft buffered bicycle lanes. Pedestrian improvements include 6-ft wide sidewalks on intersections. There will be closed stormwater facilities with ponds for water quality treatment. There will be a new bus hub developed around the new proposed pond near the high school, providing additional bus bays on both sides of the roadway, ADA ramps, and pedestrian crosswalk signals (countdown). Traffic signals will be upgraded to mast arms and will be interconnected with adjacent traffic signals. There will be new lighting at the signalized intersections.