Florida Mall Renovation
At the turn of the Florida’s Mall 30th Anniversary, CPC was retained by Cuhaci & Peterson to provide our cutting edge 3D Laser scanning services to assist with the interior renovation of the common areas. Utilization of our 3D Scanning will help provide the exact location and dimensions of each storefront, as well as the existing conditions in the common areas of the mall. A much brighter mall with more than a dozen enhanced or newly designed sitting area’s will be added to the property, as well as a newly designed experiential children’s play area. With over 1.8 million square feet of retail space, CPC’s portion of the project is broken up into 5 phases. Field scanning of the entire area consisted of 100’s of individual scan locations. All of these scan locations were registered together into a single point cloud model. This information was used to create 3 dimensional models of the floor, storefronts and reflected ceiling plan in AutoCAD format. Our Director of Geomatic’s, Jeremy Jones, is working hand-in-hand with the project managers of this renovation to ensure a successful project.
Florida Mall Renovations
Cuhaci & Peterson
3D Laser Scanning